Latest Episodes

Dugout Dish: In the Clubhouse with EMD | Velocity absolutely matters but there is more to it than that
In this episode we talk about velocity in the evaluation process. It absolutely matters but it is more of a barrier to entry than...

Episode 45: Interview with former Oakland A’s draft pick and current Head of Sports Performance at UAC Charley Gould
In this episode we sit down with William and Mary Alum, Oakland A’s draft pick and current Head of Sports Performance at UAC to...

Dugout Dish: In the Clubhouse with EMD | Separate “me” and “we” in the recruiting process
Separate “me” and “we” in the recruiting processIn this episode we highlight the importance of separating “me” and “we” in the recruiting process by...

Episode 44: Surround yourself with the right the kind of people
In this episode we sit down and talk about the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people. People with experience and people you...

Dugout Dish: In the Clubhouse with EMD | Preparation for Visits & Coach Communication
In this episode we discuss how to prepare for visits and coach communication. What questions should you be asking? What questions should you be...

Episode 43: Importance of getting and being educated on the nuances of the recruiting process plus a dive into EMD Baseball’s comprehensive online recruiting academy.
This episode we sit down and talk about why you need to be educated on the recruiting process and all its nuances. We also...